Male Hair loss + Lack of sunshine

Circadian Rhythm Disruption and Hormonal Imbalance

When you’re not aligned with your natural circadian rhythm—whether from staying up late, sleeping in, or spending too much time under artificial light—you disrupt your body’s hormone production. This disruption has downstream effects on pregnenolone, DHEA, and testosterone, and ultimately, your hair.

Lack of natural light and too much exposure to artificial blue light (from phones, computers, etc.) at night interferes with melatonin production, which is essential for deep, restorative sleep. Poor sleep quality impacts testosterone production and exacerbates hair loss. This is why aligning your day with the natural light-dark cycle is critical to hormonal health.

Pregnenolone: The “Mother Hormone” and Its Role in Hair and Testosterone

Pregnenolone is often called the "mother hormone" because it’s the precursor for several important hormones, including testosterone. Your body uses pregnenolone to create DHEA, which is a vital building block for testosterone. When pregnenolone levels are too low, testosterone production suffers, leading to not only low energy, muscle weakness, and libido issues, but also potential hair thinning.

This is where circadian health and light exposure come into play.

Morning Sunlight: Boosting Pregnenolone and Testosterone

Morning sunlight is crucial for syncing your circadian rhythm, which governs your sleep-wake cycle and hormone production throughout the day. Getting natural sunlight early in the morning sends signals to your brain to regulate the production of important hormones, including pregnenolone —> testosterone!

As a male, it is your birthright to have thriving testosterone and healthy hair. — You just have to change the light environment.

Join our coaching program to find out the step-by-step way to get that testosterone BACK!

Hannah Moore

Naturopathic Medical Student and MS in Human Physiology


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